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Counting down to the opening of the St Remio funded Cupping Lab in Rwanda!

Counting down to the opening of the St Remio funded Cupping Lab in Rwanda!

At St Remio we stand for three things; Quality, Transparency and Community. We are passionate about giving consumers premium coffee without the price tag, but more importantly, we are passionate about giving back to the coffee growing community, especially in Rwanda.

As part of this goal, this year we committed to fully fund the build of a coffee Cupping Lab in Towngere Umusaruro, Rwanda. This infrastructure will enable coffee growers and roasters to producer higher quality coffee beans via giving them the tools to be able to run daily checks and tastings.

This month some of our team will travel to Twongere Umusaruro, Rwanda to visit the coffee farmers and officially unveil the brand new St Remio funded Cupping Lab, which is very close to completion!

We cannot wait to get an understanding of the impact this new facility will have on the farmers of TUK and we look forward to sharing these stories with you in the next few months.

We would like to take this time to thank you, our customers for making all this possible and allowing us to give back to the coffee farming community with this wonderful initiative.

Thank you for being part of the change.

Trent Knox,

Founder, St Remio

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