ST FRANCIS – 1kg Whole bean Café Blend

This strong, full-bodied blend features rich, earthy flavours with hints of chocolate and a subtle nutty sweetness. Medium-light roasted, our Rainforest Alliance Certified St Francis Café blend has a sweet caramel aroma with undertones of fruit and honey.
Espresso brewing guide:
Grams in: 21g
Extraction time: 27 seconds (+/- 2 seconds)
Yield: 45 mls
Boiler temperature: 90˚


This strong, full-bodied blend features rich, earthy flavours with hints of chocolate and a subtle nutty sweetness. Medium-light roasted, our Rainforest Alliance Certified St Francis Café blend has a sweet caramel aroma with undertones of fruit and honey.
Brew method:
21 grams in basket
Extraction time: 27 seconds plus or minus 2 either side.