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Cocagi Project Update
This year we are continuing our funding for Cocagi Femme. Due to climate issues and COVID-19, thi...

UTZ logo is changing to the new Rainforest Alliance logo. Time to follow the frog!
As you will have seen, last year we started our relationship with UTZ, ensuring that we sourced a...

World Coffee Day – 1 October. Make your coffee count!
This World Coffee Day, we are launching a new initiative to raise even more funds for the female ...

Cocagi Project Update
Some time has passed since our last update on our Cocagi project and during that time they have c...

Meet Jean Claude Bamporiki, Agronomist and Certification Manager for Cocagi
Jean Claude was born in Congo and moved to Rwanda when he was 14 years old. His parents were orig...

The impact global coffee prices are having on farmers.
In 2018 the price of coffee dropped to a 12 year low of USD $1.00/lb. By the end of the year coff...