Cocagi Project Update

Some time has passed since our last update on our Cocagi project and during that time they have certainly faced some challenges during from serious rains and of course, COVID-19.
With the purchase of the new land, Cocagi Femme have been busy working two different plots of land, one plot that looks after a variety of different plants (for diversification of income) which includes tomatoes, beans, maize and sunflowers, and the second plot of land they have been busy preparing the land for the coffee plantation. This includes weeding, turning over the soil to prepare it for planting.
During this time, of the 4 hectares, only one hectare of land has been prepared with the coffee seedlings. This was due to the fact that there were not enough good seedlings available at the time. Since then, a nursery has been set up to nurture the remaining coffee plants so that in time, the entire crop can be planted.
Another challenge that has faced coffee farmers, and indeed all farmers, is global warming and the unpredictability of the seasons. Cocagi has faced some serious rains that unfortunately, damaged the tree tomato crops. The weather now poses challenges in farming and protecting the crops and the group continue to meet and discuss ways, methods to manage the unpredictable weather to ensure they are able to protect their plantation. On top of this, COVID-19 also has had an impact, causing a delay in the additional training in the management of the sunflower and tree tomato crops. But these training sessions will be rescheduled so that the program can continue for Cocagi Femme.
This next quarter will see the final preparation of the land in readiness for the remainder of the coffee seedlings.
Farming is always very challenging. Cocagi Femme have had to work through some big challenges from weather to COVID-19 which as we know, has had serious impact across the entire world. A reminder of just how much goes into each cup of coffee you enjoy.
We look forward to sharing another update with you all soon! Thank you for supporting St Remio and allowing us to fund projects like this with the support of Rainforest Alliance.