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Cocagi Project Update
This year we are continuing our funding for Cocagi Femme. Due to climate issues and COVID-19, thi...

Our 2020 Project!
This year we have all faced some pretty serious challenges and none more-so than COVID-19. Every ...

World Coffee Day – 1 October. Make your coffee count!
This World Coffee Day, we are launching a new initiative to raise even more funds for the female ...

Cocagi Project Update
Some time has passed since our last update on our Cocagi project and during that time they have c...

Update from the Cocagi Project
This year as you may remember, we have funded the purchase of 4 hectares of land and 12,000 coffe...

St Remio x UTZ. The new era.
We have always believed in sourcing sustainable coffee. Because if we don’t look after the grower, the industry simply will not last.

Meet Julia Tink, Director St Remio. Females supporting females.
I am Julia Tink, Director of One Collective Group and St Remio coffee. I am first and foremost a mother and wife and my passion lies in building business and brands with purpose.

New Year. New Beginnings. New Project.
Each year, St Remio will fund a new initiative for a different coffee growing community and this year, we are supporting the female coffee Co-operative of Cocagi.