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Update from the Cocagi Project

Update from the Cocagi Project

This year as you may remember, we have funded the purchase of 4 hectares of land and 12,000 coffee plants and other seedlings for the female cooperative of Cocagi. 

Since we visited them and met the Cooperative in June this year, there are have been some updates that we wanted to share with you, after all, your purchase is making this wonderful opportunity possible for this community!

They have since completed the transactions of the purchase of the land which is now all secured on behalf of Co-operative leader Anna-Marie. Now they have successful acquired the land, the team are busy preparing the ground so it is ready for planting in the wet season.

The next project the group is focussed on is securing the 12,000 coffee seedlings so they will be ready to plant shortly alongside maintaining and managing the other fruit plantations currently established on the 4 hectares. This allows them to earn income while the coffee crop is being established.

The Cocagi Femme lead farmers are also undergoing extensive training during this time learning how to better manage the crops to get a higher yield and high quality coffee cherry. They have held both formal classroom training alongside practical sessions to learn best practices across:

  • Pruning
  • Stumping
  • Mulching and how to reuse all clippings to add valued nutrients the ground

In the next quarter, we will see the members of Cocagi Femme continue to prepare the land and plant the seedlings as well as ongoing maintenance of the existing fruits. They will also continue their training to enhance the output and establish stronger sustainable farming practices.

We will continue to update you on this wonderful project and we are very excited to take you on this journey. Thank you again to the team at Rainforest Alliance for working with us and the Cooperative to keep us updated on their progress.

One Bean. One Cup. One Community.

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