Cocagi, Rwanda
In 22/23 we continued our investment in Cocagi Femme in Rwanda allowing the cooperative to develop and prepare the land though mulch, organic manure, compost alongside the purchase and plantation of shade trees for erosion control.
This is an important part of sustainable farming practices as these additional plants not only generate additional source of income of the community, but are strategic in supporting the crops successful development. The fallen leaves from the trees have multiple purposes and can be used to make seedling pots or used for mulch for the coffee plantation.

We also continue to fund the cooperative’s Agronomist Patricia, to assist in the development and enhance farming practises to ensure the women are growing a successful and sustainable crop so they can maximise their income. St Remio also funds the ongoing meetings between the farmers where they share ideas, practices, challenges and knowledge in support of each other as they continue to build and grow their Rwandan coffee export business.
You can follow the progress updates via our social media to see how your purchase is allowing us to have direct impact at origin.