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Cocagi Project Update
This year we are continuing our funding for Cocagi Femme. Due to climate issues and COVID-19, thi...

Our 2020 Project!
This year we have all faced some pretty serious challenges and none more-so than COVID-19. Every ...

World Coffee Day – 1 October. Make your coffee count!
This World Coffee Day, we are launching a new initiative to raise even more funds for the female ...

Cocagi Project Update
Some time has passed since our last update on our Cocagi project and during that time they have c...

Update from the Cocagi Project
This year as you may remember, we have funded the purchase of 4 hectares of land and 12,000 coffe...

6 facts you might not have known about UTZ & Rainforest Alliance
We are very proud to now partner with UTZ, part of the Rainforest Alliance, shifting our range of products to becoming fully certified. You might have seen the UTZ label across a variety of products you already purchase, such as chocolate, and if you have ever wondered what the symbol means and what it stands for, look no further.

Influence vs Impact.
On our recent trip to Rwanda, I took some time to reflect on life and my own personal values.

St Remio's Impact
Coffee isn't a commodity. Coffee is about people and it's about time we recognise the growers that wore tirelessly to harvest the coffee we enjoy.

With coffee prices still falling rapidly, is the coffee industry doing anything to help?
We are sure that the idea of a world without coffee will raise alarm bells in your minds, but the truth is that one day, this could actually be reality. Market research suggests that by 2050 the demand will outweigh appropriate coffee farming land by double.

From crop to cup
Many of us love our morning cup of coffee, but many of us don’t understand the full process from crop to cup. Let us walk you through the coffee process from seedling to end product so you can get a better understanding and appreciation of just what’s involved.

Coffee Species in Danger of Extinction
Coffee is one of the world’s most widely enjoyed and consumed beverages. But recently, Scientists...

The impact global coffee prices are having on farmers.
In 2018 the price of coffee dropped to a 12 year low of USD $1.00/lb. By the end of the year coff...